Investing in Climate Adaptation under Trade and Financing Constraints: Balanced Strategies for Food Security
Chen Chen, Koralai Kirabaeva, and Denchen Zhao of the International Monetary Fund present a model to help policymakers assess the most cost-efficient balance between adapting to climate change impact or
Agricultural Producer Subsidies: Navigating Challenges and Policy Considerations
David Amaglobeli, Todd Benson, and Tewodaj Mogues explore the vast landscape of agricultural producer subsidies. These subsidies are commonly used to achieve food security, reduce import dependence, stabilize prices, and
What Works: Groundbreaking Evaluation of Climate Policy Measures over Two Decades
“More policies do not necessarily equate to better outcomes. Instead, the right mix of measures is crucial. For example, subsidies or regulations alone are insufficient; only in combination with price-based
Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies (WB)
A new World Bank report examines how subsidy reform can help safeguard the world’s foundational natural assets – clean air, land, and oceans. These assets are critical for human health
Sustainable Recovery Tracker (IEA)
The new IEA Sustainable Recovery Tracker measures global recovery plans against this target level of spending by monitoring energy-related policies and government spending on clean energy measures by country and by sector in the wake of the pandemic.
Update on Recent Progress in Reform of Inefficient Fossil-Fuel Subsidies that Encourage Wasteful Consumption 2021 (OECD, IEA)
This report informs on latest trends in 2020 data on support for fossil fuels and offers good practices and lessons learned emerging from country experiences, as reflected in the growing body of G20 peer reviews.
Policy Briefs
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Reform
Introduction Fossil fuels are the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, making it urgent to accelerate the transition towards other forms of energy (IPCC, 2022). The phasing out of inefficient
Fiscal policies for a low-carbon economy
Research on climate economics finds that green bonds can accelerate a low-carbon transition, may have a positive impact on aggregate output and employment, help to advance renewable energy technology, address better the issue of fair transition, and be a stabilizing force on the financial market compared to conventional, in particular fossil fuel-based, assets.
Carbon taxation and inflation: Evidence from Europe and Canada
Model-based studies on the effect of carbon taxation point to sizeable inflationary effects. This column uses evidence from Canada and Europe over the past three decades to show that carbon taxes changed relative prices but did not increase the overall price level. Instead, they were slightly deflationary. Income compression was most pronounced among the richest households, suggesting that the redistribution scheme achieved its intended aim of favouring low-income households.