Revenue Statistics 2019 provides data on government tax revenues from 1965 to 2018, including the tax to GDP ratio, revenues collected by central, state and regional governments, and the relative importance of personal and corporate income tax, social security contributions and taxes on goods and services in the tax mix.
This year’s report also includes a special feature which details a reconciliation of data on environmentally related taxes in Revenue Statistics with data in the OECD Policy Instruments for the Environment (PINE) database and in Eurostat’s National Tax Lists. The special feature finds that environmentally related tax revenues (ERTRs) in OECD countries in 2017 ranged from 2.8% of total tax revenues in the United States to 12.5% in Slovenia and Turkey, accounting for 6.9% on a simple average basis. Across the OECD, the largest share of ERTRs in 2017 was derived from energy taxes, both on average and in nearly every OECD country.
To read the full report, follow the link to the OECD website.