International Green Finance Forum

Hotel Hilton Lima Miraflores Lima, Peru

The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru are organizing the International Green Finance Forum to promote the mobilization of financial resources towards the implementation of activities that contribute to the transition to a more sustainable economy. The first day of the Forum will present the importance of green […]

CBD COP 16 Side Event: From Harm to Harmony: Redefining Agricultural Subsidies for Biodiversity Conservation

Cali, Colombia

UNEP, alongside BIOFIN and FAIRR is taking advantage of the Convention on Biological Diversity COP 16 in Cali, Colombia to organize an event focusing on harmful impact of public support to the agricultural sector as a key pillar of sustainable development. The purpose of this event is to catalyze stakeholder consensus on the “what”, “why”, […]

Finance for integrating climate and nature actions: driver to accelerate achieving net zero nature positive goals through policy coherence

Faith Pavilion Baku, Azerbaijan

The event focuses on how countries and financial institutions can leverage synergies between nature and climate investments to facilitate policy coherence and integrate financing that will accelerate net zero nature positive (NZNP) action. This discussion on NZNP finance and investment aims at increasing the global ambition to achieve targets in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for […]