
Introduction of a new plastic packaging tax (GOV.UK)
General description of the measure This is a new tax that applies to plastic packaging produced in, or imported into, the UK, that does not contain at least 30% recycled

Government of Ireland unveil their Climate Action Plan
The Government of Ireland revealed their Climate Action Plan 2019 to tackle Climate Breakdown. The plan consist of 183 actions to support the government’s commitment to a “net zero carbon

An Inclusive Circular Economy Priorities for Developing Countries (Chatham House)
This month Chatham House published a paper titled “An Inclusive Circular Economy: Priorities for Developing Countries”, written by Felix Preston, Johanna Lehne and Laura Wellesley. The paper argues how the
Green Industrial Policy: Concept, Policies, Country Experiences (UN Environment/DIE)
The “Green Industrial Policy: Concept, Policies, Country Experiences” report is a joint publication by UN Environment and the German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). It illustrates how green industrial