UNEP-UN ESCAP SDG Indicator 12.c.1 Online Training – Pacific region

Technical training workshop on Indicator 12.c.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals

Amount of fossil-fuel subsidies per unit of GDP (production and consumption) 

27 September 20228am – 9.30am Bangkok time (GMT+7 hours)
28 September 2022, 8am – 10am Bangkok time (GMT +7 hours)

The scale and impact of fossil fuel subsidies imply challenges and opportunities on the path to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The use of fossil fuels and their promotion through subsidy schemes can negatively affect the ability of governments to achieve key goals, and weighs heavily on the national fiscal balance. The need to reform fossil fuel subsidies globally was highlighted by the creation of SDG target 12.c on the rationalisation of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, and its related indicator 12.c.1.

UNEP and UN ESCAP are co-organising a training for relevant stakeholders, with support from the Pacific Community, with the purpose of building the capacity of Pacific government offices in monitoring data related to the SDG 12.c.1 indicator.It will provide participants with a clear understanding of the topic of fossil fuel subsidies at a national level and in the Asia Pacific region, and guide them through the methodology and template developed for measuring fossil fuel subsidies through SDG12.c.1.

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