Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):
EU must not blindly sign up to a weak aviation carbon market
14.11.2018 – As countries negotiate rules for offsetting airline emissions in Montreal, the EU should reserve its right to impose stronger regional policies. Replacing the EU ETS with Carbon Offsetting and
40% of EU budget should be dedicated to greening the economy
09.11.2018 – According to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), an EU advisory body, the EU’s next multi-annual budget (2021-2027) should dedicate 40% of spending to the low-carbon economy and
Spain scraps solar tax in energy market shakeup that threatens coal
29.10.2018 – Spain has scrapped a tax widely criticised for undermining solar power in Europe’s sunniest country, in the latest energy policy reversal by the country’s new socialist government which has
2016 Country-Specific Recommendations in support of the European Semester cycle (GBE)
This report led by Green Budget Europe (GBE), in collaboration with CEE BankWatch, EEB and WWF, sets out recommendations for the 28 EU Member States to accelerate Environmental Fiscal Reforms (EFR) in the context of