Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):
Fossil fuel subsidy and pricing policies : recent developing country experience (WBG Working Paper)
This Policy Research working paper is a product of the Energy and Extractives Global Practice Group at the World Bank Group. The paper provides an overview of experiences with fossil
Fossil-Fuel Subsides: A barrier to renewable energy in five Middle East and North African countries (IISD)
The paper explores the current status of fossil fuel subsidies and renewable energy in five Middle East and North African (MENA) countries – Egypt, Jordon, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia. For each
Making the Switch: From fossil fuel subsidies to sustainable energy (GSI)
This report by the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) estimates fossil fuel subsidies to be around USD 425 billion which represent large lost opportunities for governments to invest in renewable energy,
Navigating Political Hurricanes in the MENA Region: Energy Pricing Reform in a Context of Changing Social Contracts (Center on Global Energy Policy)
This report from the Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy analyzes the political economy of energy pricing reforms in the Middle East and North Africa since the Arab Spring. The authors investigate the conditions
Learning from Leaders: Nordic and International Best Practice with Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (Nordic Council of Ministers)
If we aim to reduce global emissions in order to limit global warming to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels, then the energy sector is of paramount importance. A critical