
Supporting women’s empowerment through green policies and finance (OECD)
This report, published by the OECD, underscores the growing acknowledgment that women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change and other environmental challenges, particularly in developing nations. Despite this

Circular taxation: A policy approach to reduce resource use and accelerate the transition to a circular economy (eunomia, EEB)
The report by eunomia and EEB proposes a definition of circular taxes, discusses the environmental and social impacts of four environmental tax case studies, and elaborates on how the barriers these have faced can be

Calibrating Fiscal Rules: A Consideration of Natural Disaster Risks (IMF)
The IMFs technical note assesses how large shocks from natural disasters are key source of vulnerabilities for public finances. It extends the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department calibration toolkit by developing

Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems (CPI)
Low-carbon and resilient agrifood systems are vital to ensure the food security of a growing human population and global economic development. These systems are the processes and actors that convert

Climate Crossroads: Fiscal Policies in a Warming World (IMF)
The IMFs’ report takes stock of mitigation policies across countries and presents the trilemma facing policymakers of balancing between achieving climate goals, debt sustainability, and political feasibility. New insights from

The Taxshift – An EU Fiscal Strategy to Support the Inclusive Circular Economy (The Ex’ tax Project, Cambridge Econometrics, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC)
This new study by the think tank The Ex’tax Project in cooperation with Cambridge Econometrics and tax experts of Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC shows that EU Members States could jointly