Europe’s oil refiners outline path to climate neutrality by 2050 (Euractive)
The European oil refining industry association, whose members includes Shell, BP, ExxonMobil and Total, outlined on Monday (15 June) a €650 billion plan to completely decarbonise transport fuels by 2050.
Governments should use Covid-19 recovery efforts as an opportunity to phase out support for fossil fuels (OECD & IEA)
As governments design stimulus measures for economies hit by the Covid-19 crisis, they should seize the opportunity of historically low oil prices to redirect some of the half a trillion
How to raise an easy $1 billion per day for the Covid-19 recovery (Climate Home News)
According to this article, a temporary tax hike on gasoline and diesel is one of the fairest, greenest ways to fund post-pandemic economic stimulus packages. To read the full article,