Budgeting for Sustainable Development – GFPN – University of Oxford COP26 side-event
How can fiscal policy support socio-economic development, and the environment? Join H.E. Minister Lee White of Gabon to explore new practical methods for understanding potential policy impacts during budget planning.

Land grab: How agri-subsidies encourage Irish farmers to cut back on nature
Irish farmers continue to see annual payments penalised for maintaining biodiversity hotspots despite concerns raised by the State over the climate and biodiversity crises.

EU parliament committee approves farm subsidy reforms
The European Parliament’s agriculture committee approved a deal to overhaul the European Union’s huge farming subsidies, including new measures aimed at making agriculture greener.

Repurposing Agricultural Subsidies to Restore Degraded Farmland and Grow Rural Prosperity (WRI)
This report highlights why governments should reinvest underperforming public agricultural subsidies in land restoration.

Aligning Markets with Biodiversity: How biodiversity and the financial system are linked
Research to identify the harmful connections between the global economy and biodiversity losses is urgently required. This is the message of a background paper on biodiversity and the financial system compiled by Mistra’s expert panel.

IUCN Nature-Based Recovery Initiative Technical Papers
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us all to re-think the status quo, opening the door for sustained investments in nature and Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to be part of the recovery.
Policy Briefs

Reforming Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies: Practical steps to untangle the subsidies knot
Eliminating or redirecting biodiversity-harming subsidies (BHS) by 2030 is feasible and can deliver multiple benefits. This policy brief highlights lessons learned from successful reforms in selected countries and outlines a

WTO Negotiations on Fisheries Subsidies: What’s the state of play? (IISD)
Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are currently negotiating new multilateral disciplines to tackle the harmful fisheries subsidies that undermine marine resources, as well as the livelihoods and food

Green Stimulus Index – An assessment of the orientation of COVID-19 stimulus in relation to climate change, biodiversity and other environmental impacts (Vidid Economics)
Over the past 2 months the world has witnessed unprecedented government financial interventions in response to Covid-19. Economic stimulus packages announced to date include a range of different bailout mechanisms.