Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):

Green taxation can help us recover from the Covid-19 crisis. Here’s how
Raising taxes during an economic downturn might seem counterintuitive but it could be the key to Covid-19 recovery. The secret lies in which taxes to raise: when it comes to impacts on the economy, jobs, and the environment, not all taxes are created equal.

Norway oil sector braced for huge carbon tax hike as new climate plan hatched
Country plans to gradually raise CO2 tax for oil and gas producers to 2000Nkr per tonne in 2030 By Ole Ketil Helgesen Norway plans to hit oil and gas companies with

Dirty Subsidies: How Europe sabotages its climate goals (Investigate Europe)
2020 was supposed to be the year the EU would launch its ambitious plan to tackle the climate crisis. But why does Europe sabotage its climate goals by subsidising the

Taxing Energy Use 2015 (OECD)
This OECD report provides a systematic analysis of the structure and level of energy taxes in OECD and selected partner countries, which together cover 80% of global energy use. The

OECD-IEA inventory of fossil fuels and other support
The OECD-IEA Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels provides updated fossil fuel support data for 34 OECD member countries and six partner countries, including a number of measures applied

Learning from Leaders: Nordic and International Best Practice with Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform (Nordic Council of Ministers)
If we aim to reduce global emissions in order to limit global warming to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels, then the energy sector is of paramount importance. A critical