Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):

Climate action: “It’s now!” – green affordable housing in Luxembourg (RTL Today)
Minister for the Environment Carole Dieschbourg and Minister for Energy Claude Turmes presented Luxembourg’s green relaunch plan, focusing on various support packages that owners who renovate their homes can apply

Nine EU countries ask for an aviation carbon tax
11 November 2019: In a joint statement, the Ministers of Finance of the Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark and Bulgaria asked the European Commission to introduce a

EU must not blindly sign up to a weak aviation carbon market
14.11.2018 – As countries negotiate rules for offsetting airline emissions in Montreal, the EU should reserve its right to impose stronger regional policies. Replacing the EU ETS with Carbon Offsetting and

Taxing Energy Use 2015 (OECD)
This OECD report provides a systematic analysis of the structure and level of energy taxes in OECD and selected partner countries, which together cover 80% of global energy use. The

OECD-IEA inventory of fossil fuels and other support
The OECD-IEA Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels provides updated fossil fuel support data for 34 OECD member countries and six partner countries, including a number of measures applied

From Challenge to Opportunity: Shadow Country Reports in Support of the European Semester Cycle (GBE, CEE BankWatch, EEB)
This report by Green Budget Europe (GBE), CEE BankWatch and European Environment Bureau (EEB) involved an assessment of the 2016 European Semester Country Reports among network of members and national