Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):

EU’s border tax gives countries 5 years to clean up industries or face penalties
Unpopular among the bloc’s trading partners, countries are seeking exemptions to the carbon levy, as Brussels hints alternatives to pricing may be considered to dodge the tax The European Union

3 essential steps towards ending fossil fuel subsidies
Fossil fuel subsidies persist despite the climate crisis. They distort the energy market by keeping fossil fuel prices artificially low. Removing these subsidies must be accompanied by social programmes that will reduce the impact on the poorest household.

Carbon border adjustment mechanisms: Will innovative climate policy launch a trade war?
There is growing attention on the concept of carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs), a hypothetical form of trade restriction intended to deal with “carbon leakage”: the expectation that aggressive mitigation

Mapping India’s Energy Subsidies 2020: Fossil fuels, renewables and electric vehicles (IISD)
Subsidies matter because they are used by governments around the world to influence energy producers and consumers. The IISD report Mapping India’s Energy Subsidies 2020: Fossil fuels, renewables, electric vehicles

Beyond Fossil Fuels: Fiscal transition in BRICS (IISD 2019)
The BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—are both influencing and being influenced by global energy markets and the clean energy transition. This report by the IISD focuses on the

Kerosene to Solar PV Subsidy Swap: The business case for redirecting subsidy expenditure from kerosene to off-grid solar (IISD and TERI)
A study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) explored the case for a ‘kerosene-solar subsidy swap’ in India whereby kerosene subsidies