Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):
World leaders pledge climate cooperation despite other rifts
The leaders of Russia and China put aside their raw-worded disputes with U.S. President Joe Biden on 22 April long enough to pledge international cooperation on cutting climate-wrecking coal and
UNEP – Oxford Smith School High Level Launch
Are we building back better? An online UNEP-Oxford panel discussion with leaders from key countries and international institutions.with the support of WEDNESDAY 10TH MARCH 2021Key questions for a sustainable and
Surprisingly small tweaks to carbon pricing could balance cost with fairness
Researchers believe they found a way to resolve the tradeoff between too many different carbon prices and the need for big cash transfers between countries By Sarah DeWeerdt Researchers have long
From Challenge to Opportunity: Shadow Country Reports in Support of the European Semester Cycle (GBE, CEE BankWatch, EEB)
This report by Green Budget Europe (GBE), CEE BankWatch and European Environment Bureau (EEB) involved an assessment of the 2016 European Semester Country Reports among network of members and national
2016 Country-Specific Recommendations in support of the European Semester cycle (GBE)
This report led by Green Budget Europe (GBE), in collaboration with CEE BankWatch, EEB and WWF, sets out recommendations for the 28 EU Member States to accelerate Environmental Fiscal Reforms (EFR) in the context of
Environmentally Harmful Subsidies In Germany 2014 (Umweltbundesamt)
This report by the Federal Environment Agency of Germany estimates that environmentally harmful subsidies in Germany amounted to more than €52 billion in 2010 across energy supply and use, transport, construction and housing, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. The