Country indicators
Fossil fuel subsidies (USD, billions):
Fossil fuel subsidies with externalities (% of GDP):
BRICS summit is likely to strongly oppose carbon tax proposed by EU
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa may strongly oppose the proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) by the European Union at the 13th BRICS Summit on Thursday as the five developing countries will likely be the biggest losers from its implementation. In a veiled reference to CBAM, BRICS trade ministers last week cautioned that any measure to tackle climate change must be in conformity with multilateral trading rules and shouldn’t put arbitrary restrictions on international trade.
Latin America and Caribbean ‘failing to invest in sustainable post-Covid recovery’
Environmentally sustainable post-COVID-19 spending in Latin America and the Caribbean lags behind the rest of the world, according to a new platform co-developed by the University of Oxford that showcases real-time data from 33 countries.
Banking on protected areas to promote a green recovery
New study finds that conservation and tourism can go hand in hand, offering recommendations how to make it so
Política Fiscal y Cambio Climático: Experiencias Recientes de los Ministerios de Finanzas de América Latina y el Caribe (IDB)
Finance and planning ministries play a central role in promoting fiscal policies that generate more and better jobs with the transition to green economies. Adequate fiscal planning would help the decarbonization of the region’s economies create 15 million net new jobs by 2030.
U.K. Spending 32 Times More On Fossil Fuels Than Renewables: Wärtsilä Report
The U.K. government is squandering an opportunity to move towards a zero carbon future by pumping billions of stimulus cash into fossil fuels and all but neglecting renewable energy, according
Green fiscal policies: An armoury of instruments to recover growth sustainably (ECLAC)
The present study seeks to explore how fiscal policies can employed to deliver both socioeconomic and environmental dividends with a focus on Brazil as a case study. In the current
Policy Briefs
Landscape of Climate Finance for Land Use in Brazil – Agricultural Credit Policy (CPI Repost)
Rural credit is the primary climate finance instrument for land use in Brazil, amounting to an average of US$ 3.2 billion/year between 2015 and 2020. This value, however, represents only
Brazil – Country profile
Background Brazil is an emerging economy with a population of approximately 206 million people and nominal GDP of US $2.346 trillion in 2014. The country is rich in petroleum, hydropower,