Green Fiscal Policy
The Green Fiscal Policy Network works to facilitate knowledge sharing and dialogue on fiscal policies for an inclusive green economy.
Upcoming event
Finance for integrating climate and nature actions: driver to accelerate achieving net zero nature positive goals through policy coherence
The event focuses on how countries and financial institutions can leverage synergies between nature and climate investments to facilitate policy coherence and integrate financing that will accelerate net zero nature
Latest Report
The OECD Employment Outlook 2024: the net zero transition and the labor market
The shift to net zero will necessitate substantial adaptation measures, particularly in the labor market. Industries with high emissions will experience job losses, while opportunities will emerge in low-emission sectors.
Latest Policy Brief
The Sustainable Budgeting Approach (SBA) – a novel decision-support tool to identify integrated solutions to national development and environmental challenges
Background The challenge of trade-offs in government spending and taxation policy is universal across economies. However, it is particularly pressing for vulnerable nations, for whom there is less margin for
Latest Blog
Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies
One of the key objectives of the Paris Agreement is to align financial flows with pathways that lead to low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To achieve this, countries must not